Thursday, December 15, 2016

Apprentice Season 2: Favorite Episode

My favorite episode of the Apprentice that we have seen so far was the one where they had to create an ice cream flavor. The Apex leader was Ivana and the Mosaic leader was Kelly, the reward was dinner at the Petrossian. Apex ended up in the boardroom, but more specifically it was Ivana, Stacie J, Jennifer C and Bradford. Bradford got fired because of his rash decision to wave his exemption. The business lesson in this episode was 'Get Organized' because a lack of organization is a lack of leadership and without leadership, success is impossible. This was my favorite episode because I liked how they had to create an ice cream flavor and try to sell it themselves,

Image result for ice cream the apprentice

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event Assignment

Current Event 

This is an article about how Microsoft unveiled their plans on releasing their own take on Amazon Echo. Amazon Echo is a wireless speaker and voice command device from that responds to the name "Alexa". Their goal is to use Harman Kardon to bring Cortana to the speaker which will debut next year. They used a 30 second video to tease this product which resembles the Amazon Echo.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Old to New

Old: McDonald's Big Mac (1960s)

New: "Hello Harold" McDonald's Commercial (2015)


Monday, November 28, 2016

Chapter 29: Study Guide


Problem Definition: occurs when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the info that is necessary to solve it.

Primary Data: data obtained for the first time and used specially for the particular problem under study

Secondary Data: Have already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.

Survey Method: A research technique in which info is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires.

Sample: a part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population

Observation Method: a research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers.

Point-Of-Sale research: a powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behaviors.

Experimental Method: A research technique in which a researcher observers the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain variables constant.

Data Analysis: The process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection.

Research Steps-

1. Defining the problem

2. Obtaining Data

3. Analyzing the Data

4. Recommending Solutions to the problem

5. Applying the Results

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Old Navy - #OneMillThrill

Image result for old navy

Old Navy held an #onemillthrill for the second year in a year, this is when they gave the first 100 shoppers in line at every store in North America the chance to win $1 million.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Teams Social Responsibility

Brad Richards of Dallas Stars:

The Brad Richards Foundation- Provides experiences and treatment for children and families enduring chronic and life-threatening illness. The foundation also supports the advancement of youth and amateur sports and has a long history of supporting pediatric hospital and kids with cancer.

-Focuses on causes in Prince Edwards Island, where Brad was raised, Dallas where he spent four seasons of his career and New York where he spent his time with the New York Rangers.

David Backes of Bruins:

Athletes for Animals- a united team of professional athletes with a shared passion for rescuing and protecting the welfare of homeless pets nationwide.

-David and his wife Kelly are highly active in animal rescue and pet adoption drives, they launched this organization in November 2013

Survey Conclusion

        The majority of the 9 responses I received were from females in 10th grade. I notice that everyone generally responded with the same answers the the questions other than the demographic ones. I could have made my survey more effective by adding more questions that have answers other than yes or no to make the responses more specific to what I was trying to ask.

Image result for survey

Picture Source:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

5.1 Questions

1. What is Business?

-All of the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services.

2. What are the two primary functions of business?

-The production and marketing of goods and services.

3. List Four ways that business can be categorized.

- Large, Small, Non Profit, Public, Private.

4.  Discuss the significance of e-commerce.

-E- Commerce opens up to a larger audience, A lot of the buying and selling we do is done through electronic device. For example when buying groceries the clerk scans your item through electronics.

5. Why would someone want to start a small business? Describe the success of a small business with which you are familiar.

-They wouldn't want to be run by the government since their business would be a private sector they would be free to do what they want with their business. In Reading there is a small business called "The Green Tomato" which is a popular catering restaurant that everyone knows about and goes to if they are from this town.

Quizlet Terms 5.1

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Part III- History

Ms. Pac-Man: Released on January, 1982

-Was an Arcade Game

 Space War: 1962

-Online Game

Super Mario Bros: 1985

-Handheld on the Game Boy

Image result for old game vs new games


Marketing Mix: Part II

Target Market: Any gymnast or anyone who would like to exercise and stretch like one.

Product: Reach For The Gold is an interactive video game that combines stretching and conditioning from the gymnastics world to your screen. Unlike most gymnastics games, this one can actually help improve your stamina and flexibility. Using many stretches catered to getting a certain skill that you would like to achieve, after stretching you can go to conditioning where you will learn how to keep up your stamina simulating how it actually feels when doing gymnastics. Remember when you reach for the Gold, you can be bold.

Price: Reach For the Gold will be sold at the price of $49.99

Place: Reach For the Gold will be sold at places like Game Stop and Best Buy.

Promotion: Reach for the Gold will be having an event where you could train like the Olympians to promote the game, Simone Biles will be coaching you through obstacles that are clearly represented in the game itself, she also will be representing the game.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

License A Video Game Part I

-Simone Biles

-USA Gymnastics

-Aly Raisman

I choose to research Gymnastics because I want to market a gymnastics games and use Simone Biles as my promoter.

Game Name
Locations Sold
Target Market
Shawn Johnson Gymnastics
Image result for shawn johnson gymnastics video game
$4.99- $37.99
Amazon, Gamestop, Walmart, Ebay, Target
Young Girls
Can create routines, not really a “workout” game more of a simulator.
Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
Image result for mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games
Gamestop, Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Target
Young Boys and Girls
Great Party Game, olympic events including gymnastics
Wii Sports Resort
Image result for wii sports resort
Gamestop, Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Ebay
Young Boys and Girls
Fun for everyone to play, competitive, Play with 1-4 players

Monday, September 26, 2016

Baby Boomers


       Baby Boomer were the first generation of children and teenagers with significant spending power, and since they had such high numbers they fueled the growth of massive marketing campaigns and the introduction of new products, new terms were invented such as "pop group" and "hippie". This targeted at the boomer's current stage in the life style. Fashion followed the boomer's needs-from the mini skirt and bell bottoms to relaxed fit jeans. They were the first generation to grow up with watching television, women finally worked outside the home and divorce was seem as sociably acceptable.

Image result for baby boomers 1960sImage result for baby boomers 1960s

TV Shows
-Gilligan's Island
-The Addams Family

-Rock, Rock, Rock


Live Entertainment
-Jerry Lee Lewis
-The Beatles

Vacation Spots
-New York
-Napa Valley

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Fads......Fading Away too soon?


              The Target market for this item is children ages 6-10, mostly for girls but boys could also play. The reason this item is so appealing is that you get a physical relic of your animal that you could then connect online to play with, it made the stuffed animal feel more personal. The reason it faded is because the generation that grew up with it got older and they don't want to play with them anymore because they are all in high school or college at this point. Children these days now just play games on their phones and stay on social medias.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blog Research #1

Best New TV Shows, 2016

My Opinion 
1. The Detour
2. Animal Kingdom
3. Angie Tribeca
4. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
5. You're The Worst

              On "" There is a list consisting of 138 TV shows that have been released in 2016 with their respective seasons, they have been put in order from the best to the worst. Putting the highest rated TV show as "Stranger Things" and the lowest rated was as "Uncle Buck" according the the users accessing this site.

              Almost all the shows that have done well consist of either blatant comedy like "Angie Tribeca"  or serious drama shows like "The Americans". This kind of information shows what people look for in a TV shows, personally I enjoy comedy or serious action shows with lighthearted undertones. It seems like everyone else is also into that sort of TV show, especially during 2016.The Highest rated TV show for this year is "Stranger Things" which touches upon science fiction and supernatural occurrences. This is obviously something that people are really into this year which has dramatically changed compared to last year on this same website they had "Fargo" as the highest rated TV show which is more about crime and is a black-comedy.

Found at:

Thursday, September 15, 2016


                My name is Janneris and I am a 12th grader at Reading Memorial High school. I have one older brother named Dorian who is a sophomore at Westfield University. My favorite class here at the high school is Epidemic Diseases and Intro to Calculus. Outside of school I usually work at Russell Farms, I also do gymnastics and play guitar. On the television some of my favorite shows are New Girl, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Americans. My favorite movie is either any horror movie or Zoolander with Ben Stiller. When I'm not busy I enjoy going on runs in the town forest, playing guitar or going to concerts. If I could go out to eat tonight I would want to go to either Panera Bread or Chipotle. Honestly, Thank you.